Growing Raspberries
In a small space, raspberries yield a phenomenal quantity of ravishing berries—and they fruit year after year with proper care. Raspberries can be harvested all the way from midsummer through to the first frost. They are delicious and often used in many dessert recipes. See raspberry ripple ice cream...
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Growing Blackberries
Blackberries, like raspberries, are a very easy berry to grow. Once this native berry is ripe, get ready for an abundant harvest, picking every couple of days! Here’s how to grow and harvest blackberries in your backyard. Basically, there are three types of blackberries: Erect thorny blackberries Erect thornless blackberries Trailing thornless blackberries Erect blackberries are bushes...
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Growing Watermelons
Everyone seems to love juicy watermelon in the summertime. Native to Africa, melons need warm temperatures (up to 80°F during the day) and a long growing season. They are a true refreshment on a hut summer day. See watermelon basil agua fresca or healthy watermelon dessert pizza recipe. Gardeners in...
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Growing Grapes
Grape growing is experiencing a renewed popularity in home gardens! And why not? Not only are grapes wonderful for eating, juicing, and winemaking, but they are also a beautiful ornamental plant. Learn how to grow, prune, and harvest your grapes. Grape vines not only produce sweet and versatile fruits, they...
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Growing Apples
Many gardeners dream of growing their own juicy apples. However, growing fruit takes long-term commitment—from pruning apple trees for good form to pest control—for success. Here’s our expert advice on planting, growing, and harvesting apples. Apples trees aren’t just for people with acres upon acres of land. Even in...
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